This year has been filled with so many disruptions in my life and yet, so many opportunities for stillness. It's been a full year since the Coronavirus began and states are still having shutdowns. I had a horrible injury, I wasn't doing well in school, I quit my job, and I worried deeply about my future. I also found love, I met his family, I got a new job, I have a new appreciation for the little things in life, I've spent more time outdoors, I love my family more than ever...the list goes on. Through one of the hardest years I have ever experienced, I discovered more things that I deeply enjoy in this world. I've also realized how precious and short life is. My awareness of humanity has grown and I have had more time for self reflection and improvement. The picture above was taken on December 9th, 2020. This picture reminds me that even in the cold and dark winters, life is just as beautiful - just like in the darkest year yet, life is still has so much to offer.
A Sign of the times
Updated: Dec 13, 2020